FairFeed to participate in the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation Survey!

FairFeed has been invited to participate in a world wide study on the impact of COVID-19 on food sustainability and security. Melbourne is one of ten case studies for the research which focuses on initiatives which have arisen in response to the global pandemic which contribute to the resilience and sustainability of food systems.

This study has been coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organisation under the United Nations to better inform us about how businesses like ours can help our communities withstand global crises like pandemics, natural disasters, and economic stresses.

We have been invited by Roman Davas-Fahey, owner and operator of Climate-Proof Food, as part of his role as a consultant with the FAO to participate in these sessions. We’re huge fans of his work in raising awareness and researching sustainable food systems, particularly as part of sustainable development.

We are so grateful for this opportunity to learn more about food insecurity and sustainability as a core tenant of the FairFeed mission and contribute to greater learning and - hopefully - make some meaningful change.
